class Type

Base class for the IDL mapping of struct-like types More...

Contains pure virtuals
Full nameArts::Type
Definition#include <arts/type.h>
Inherited byAny, AttributeDef, AudioManagerInfo, AuthAccept, ClientHello, EnumComponent, EnumDef, EnumEntry, Header, InterfaceDef, InterfaceEntry, Invocation, MethodDef, MidiClientInfo, MidiCommand, MidiEvent, ModuleDef, ModuleInfo, ObjectReference, OnewayInvocation, ParamDef, PortType, ServerHello, TimeStamp, TypeComponent, TypeDef, TypeEntry, poTime
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Public Static Methods

Detailed Description

Base class for the IDL mapping of struct-like types

inline long  _typeCount ()


inline  Type ()


inline  Type (const Type&)

copy constructor

 ~Type ()


virtual destructor (since we have virtual functions and this stuff

void  readType (Buffer& stream)

[pure virtual]

read the type from a stream

void  writeType (Buffer& stream)

[const pure virtual]

write the type to a stream

Generated by: stefan@stefan on Sat Feb 24 19:11:23 2001, using kdoc 2.0a47.