interface InterfaceRepo

The interface repository More...

Full nameArts::InterfaceRepo
Definition#include <arts/core.idl>
Inherited byInterfaceRepoV2
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Detailed Description

The interface repository

long  insertModule (ModuleDef newModule)

inserts the contents of a module into the interface repository

Returns: an ID which can be used to remove the entry again

void  removeModule (long moduleID)

removes the contents of a module from the interface repository

InterfaceDef  queryInterface (string name)

queries the definition of an interface

TypeDef  queryType (string name)

queries the definition of a type

EnumDef  queryEnum (string name)

queries the definition of an enum value

sequence<string>  queryChildren (string name)

queries all interfaces that inherit a given interface

sequence<string>  queryInterfaces ()

queries all interfaces

sequence<string>  queryTypes ()

queries all types

sequence<string>  queryEnums ()

queries all enums

Generated by: stefan@stefan on Sat Feb 24 19:11:36 2001, using kdoc 2.0a47.