and how to create music with it?

KSynth Homepage



This homepage will only give you the necessary information about the project. A "cool" hompage is being created right now and will provide archives, news, documentation, screenshots, developer stuff and more information about the project soon! ;-)

So - what is KSynth?

  • KSynth is an "analog synthesizer" which is simulated on your - digital - computer.
  • It uses small modules (e.g. oscillators which create a sinus wave, various filters, modules which play the generated data on your speakers, mixers & faders, ...) which can be connected.
  • New synthesis modules can easily be written and integrated.
  • The synthesizer consists of two parts - a gui where you can connect the modules - and a low level synthesizer which can execute models.
  • The synthesizer and the gui communicate using CORBA.

I want to know more!

You can figure out more if you read the README, look at a screenshot or download it.. You will probably need mico-2.0.7 and egcs. This is pre-alpha-software so if you don't want to do experiments and research yourself, this is probably not for you.

But if you are eager to actually *do* research, experiments, coding,... then you can look at the tasklist of ksynth, where I tried to mention the things that can be done right now.

We have just created a mailing-list,, I recommend everybody who is willing to help to subscribe. More information here.

Feel free to send comments, reports or questions to Stefan Westerfeld.
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