interface FlowSystem

A flow system. More...

Full nameArts::FlowSystem
Definition#include <arts/core.idl>
List of all Methods
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Public Methods

Detailed Description

A flow system.

Flow systems handle the streaming between MCOP objects. As this streaming is network transparent (at least for asynchronous streams) they have this remote interface.

void  startObject (object node)

This starts a scheduling node

Don't use this manually. Use object->_node()->connect(...) instead.

void  stopObject (object node)

This stops a scheduling node

Don't use this manually. Use object->_node()->connect(...) instead.

void  connectObject (object sourceObject, string sourcePort, object destObject, string destPort)

This connects two objects, maybe even remote

it is important that - sourceObject/sourcePort points to the node the signal flow is coming from - destObject/destPort points to the node/port the signal flow is going to

Don't use this manually. Use object->_node()->connect(...) instead.

void  disconnectObject (object sourceObject, string sourcePort, object destObject, string destPort)

This disconnects two objects, maybe even remote

it is important that

Don't use this manually. Use object->_node()->connect(...) instead.

AttributeType  queryFlags (object node, string port)

queries the stream flags - returns 0 when such a stream isn't present

void  setFloatValue (object node, string port, float value)

directly sets an audio port to a fixed value

FlowSystemReceiver  createReceiver (object destObject, string destPort, FlowSystemSender sender)

network transparent connections

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