class GIOManager

GIOManager performs MCOP I/O inside the Glib event loop. More...

Full nameArts::GIOManager
Definition#include <arts/giomanager.h>
InheritsArts::IOManager [public ]
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Protected Members

Detailed Description

GIOManager performs MCOP I/O inside the Glib event loop. This way, you will be able to receive requests and notifications inside Glib application. The usual way to set it up is:

 GMainLoop *main_loop = g_main_new(FALSE);  // as usual

 Arts::GIOManager iomanager;
 Arts::Dispatcher dispatcher(&iomanager);

 g_main_run(main_loop);                     // as usual

std::list<GIOWatch *> fdList

[protected: ]

std::list<GIOTimeWatch *> timeList

[protected: ]

std::stack< std::pair<GIOWatch *,int> > notifyStack

[protected: ]

int level

[protected: ]

GMainContext * context

[protected: ]

GIOManagerSource * source

[protected: ]

 GIOManager (GMainContext *context = 0)

 ~GIOManager ()

void  processOneEvent (bool blocking)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  run ()

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  terminate ()

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  watchFD (int fd, int types, IONotify *notify)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  remove (IONotify *notify, int types)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  addTimer (int milliseconds, TimeNotify *notify)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  removeTimer (TimeNotify *notify)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

gboolean  prepare (gint *timeout)

- internal -

(implements the GSource prepare)

gboolean  check ()

- internal -

(implements the GSource check)

gboolean  dispatch (GSourceFunc callback, gpointer user_data)

- internal -

(implements the GSource dispatch)

Generated by: stefan@stefan on Sat Feb 24 19:11:23 2001, using kdoc 2.0a47.