class QIOManager

QIOManager performs MCOP I/O inside the Qt event loop. More...

Full nameArts::QIOManager
Definition#include <arts/qiomanager.h>
InheritsArts::IOManager [public ]
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Protected Methods

Protected Members

Detailed Description

QIOManager performs MCOP I/O inside the Qt event loop. This way, you will be able to receive requests and notifications inside Qt application. The usual way to set it up is:

 KApplication app(argc, argv);    // as usual

 Arts::QIOManager qiomanager;
 Arts::Dispatcher dispatcher(&qiomanager);
 return app.exec();               // as usual

friend class QIOWatch

[protected: ]

friend class QTimeWatch

[protected: ]

std::list<QIOWatch *> fdList

[protected: ]

std::list<QTimeWatch *> timeList

[protected: ]

void  dispatch (QIOWatch *ioWatch)

[protected: ]

void  dispatch (QTimeWatch *timeWatch)

[protected: ]

 QIOManager ()

 ~QIOManager ()

void  processOneEvent (bool blocking)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  run ()

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  terminate ()

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  watchFD (int fd, int types, IONotify *notify)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  remove (IONotify *notify, int types)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  addTimer (int milliseconds, TimeNotify *notify)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  removeTimer (TimeNotify *notify)

Reimplemented from IOManager.

void  setBlocking (bool blocking)

This controls what QIOManager will do while waiting for the result of an MCOP request, the possibilities are:

It is much easier to write working and reliable code with blocking enabled, so this is the default. If you disable blocking, you have to deal with the fact that timers, user interaction and similar "unpredictable" things will possibly influence your code in all places where you make a remote MCOP call (which is quite often in MCOP applications).

bool  blocking ()

Query whether blocking is enabled.

Generated by: stefan@stefan on Sat Feb 24 19:11:23 2001, using kdoc 2.0a47.